adventures with maggie and josie

Monday, August 28, 2006

Two words: Tot Yacht

I got a mini-van!!! I can't believe #1: how exciting it was to get the minivan. #2: how old I am that I got that excited about a minivan. I swore and swore I'd never have one. I said I wasn't a minivan type of a person, and that I was too cool for one. But, as Maggie becomes larger, so does the accumulation of junk that must be carried with her at all times. Plus, now I can take the stroller with us when we travel and not have to haul her chunky butt everywhere on my hip. Eeep! So excited!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Maggie fingerpainted on Friday. It was my first day watching kids full-time and I thought it would be fun for Maggie and Deaglan to paint. They didn't quite get the concept, and I had to take their small hands and squish them into the paint. Once Maggie got the hang of it, she decided that the paper wasn't enough. She wanted to paint the table! I have a feeling my little girl would paint the world if I let her. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I trimmed her bangs

She looks like such a big girl now. It was just a small trim, so I'm not quite sure why it made such a difference in her face, but it did. It was hard to make those snips, too. Her hair was growing into her eyes, though.
I guess the hardest part for me was actually admitting that she was old enough to NEED a haircut. I remember at six months when her hair was just barely long enough for the sad little barrette I would carefully place on the one strand of hair long enough to support it. And now she's grown enough hair to cut? When did that happen?

And for the love of God, how is it that my baby is growing a mullet? Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Drunk Princess

Not much more I can add than that. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Maggie's Easter Dress

Here is Maggie at her bi-weekly photo shoot that mommy puts her through. She handles it all in stride, but now that she's mobile, it makes it more difficult to get the good shots. Thankfully every once in a while she will stand still long enough for me to snap a smile.

And yes, I said stand. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I'll just get this book out...

She's into EVERYTHING! Now that she's mobile, nothing is safe. Especially power cords, computer cables, anything paper, and whatever is on the bottom shelf of the bookcase here.

I think Keith was secretly pleased that she picked the Onion book to try and grab. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 12, 2006

There's always something cooking at Old Joe's Place!

Maggie hates hats. Hates them. Most of the time, she'll start fussing if you even THINK about putting a hat on her. Before she was even born, Keith saw a picture of a baby with a chef's hat on, sitting in a stock pot, with a big loaf of french bread sitting beside it and said we HAD to do that picture with Maggie. Since she is so hat-shy, I had been hesitant. But when I saw the chef's hat when shopping at a kitchen supplies store, I knew I had to try. So, while this isn't a stock pot, it's still pretty darn cute. I'll update if and when she cooperates long enough for the picture we want. Posted by Picasa